Pode parecer autoritaria a "obrigacao" de contratos na rede EOS serem de codigo aberto. A regra, que esta na constituicao, nao esta sendo muito respeitada. Alem de todos os argumentos sobre transparencia, vi um dialogo no telegram que reforca ainda mais esta obrigacao.
Telegram Developers Channel - Todd Fleming is a contributor to EOSIO codebase:
16th of August
User: is there any way for an user to remove RAM allocated that they own ? let’s say that I own a malicious contract that once an action hit, check ram of user, and fullfill it with [useless] data, and I dont provide a remove methodEntao, concordando com o Mr. Fleming, seja cuidadoso com os contratos para onde envia suas actions.
Todd Fleming: The contract is the only thing that can free the ram
User: and you cannot do anything if contract consume so much ram of user account ?
Todd Fleming: Right. Be careful what contracts you send actions to.